ok. i realized tt i'm not updating. but seriously..is there anything to update nowadays? bleahZ.. but oh wells this wk's rather memorable..haha...coz it's my FIRST time sing karaoke~~~..ok yall know lah...i always pon those ktv class outings coz i think it's a waste of time n $$ for me...considering the ultra limited no of chi songs i know n can actually sing..haha..i mean..no matter wat i ll lugi wat~~~haha...okies...but i promised xiya to brush up my knowledge of chi songs b4 stepping into KBOX..haha..but apparently breaking my promise..so how did i ever end up at lucky chinatown singing?:D..it all traced back to the dinner with weibiao anchyi n lao he:D at yong chai..haha..the dinner was good..i've never makan dere before lah...haha.. had a pleasant n funny n gossipy tok over the dinner~~~~原来weibiao也想去北大:)..buddy!!haha..mel n kan oso want to go there..yeah! we were thinking tt would be so fun if we can go together..n we can form some club or shi1 she4..tt would be so cool~~but weibiao complained tt he would be stuck with kan:D:D..haha..kidding..but DEN we realized..maybe the guys don need to go NS..haiZ..i mean..if weibiao can get psc scholarship den everything's settled..but kan would NV wan to get gov related scholarships one lahZ..meaning..assuming all of us can go..2 of 1 of them ll be our juniors:P..haha..found tt lao he's actually a nice person..not tt i tot he's not nice but din really noe him tt well initially~hEEZ..ok..as u can see..i've digressed..haha..ok..so suddenly WEIBIAO got super high n energetic..n suggested to..quote fr him "kuang2 huan1" coz it's fri niteZ..haha..aiyah..somemore just after the sucky teahouse test...+ we are not a gang of urm..fanatic n pedandic muggers mah....就跟着感觉走los^^...haha..we even called JUN YI :D.. to join us..so tt he can relieve our budget deficit~~haha...no lah~~~^kidding..but well..his 父爱的伟大~~~plus the need to ascort some principle ard singapore more impt den us lah~~~haha...oh well..toking abt tiger...他这个星期会请客 wor!! haha..coz he was awarded consolation prize of some youth(he's still a youth meh?:P) poem writting competition~~~..hiak hiak hiak...MUST CRASH~~~..:D:D..ok..i hereby conclude it's mission impossible for me to focus:P..heehee..so we went ktv...quite an eyeopener..haha...though a lot of songs seemed nv heard of..haha..but weibiao they all nice ppl lah..choose as many songs tt i noe to sing..haha..but usually i only know the chorus part..so everytime grabbed the mic fr them~~~^^..den..amazing factof the day: weibiao can sing pretty well!!..haha..oops..:P..he noes a lot of songs loh..ok..tt's in comparison with me..so not credible~~:P..but you must listen to his ONE NIGHT IN BEIJING~~~haha!! he can really sing in a 京剧 style~~~haha..amazed sia~~~...n yah..along the way we sang some funny songs..like weibiao's ye lai xiang -_-lll..haha..but before he could sing..he gave up...partly coz no time left but i think partly oso coz i was niaoing him~~~:P:P..haha..n songs like You are Wind I'm Sand..haha!!!! n i sang tt!! together with lao he~~~hahah!!!!!...coz lao he like tt song mah~~~...n anchyi~~~..think she enjoyed herself too~~haha..her singing arh-_-lll..~HAHAHAAHHA...:P...just kidding~~~...but it's SO FUN~~~...we sang until 12 30 los..meaning din manage to catch my fen3 hong2 nv lang..gosh..n we were thinking of extending the time...but sadly anchyi cannot..her parents lah...haiZ..she nearly ended up needing to slpover at my house los~~~..ok..so tt marks the end of fri when i reached home only at 1 40 am...
sat was a great day too!! went for 龙应台讲座--传统在等待发现. 好欣赏她! learnt a lot of things..n sets my mind working again..it has been so very stagnant these days..:(..she nv disappoints me :)...really love her works..受益匪浅wor!^^..think kan weibiao justin ziqian n henghui all shd go los~~~..think they ll love it~~~:)...anchyi n xiya oso thinks her talk's worth the time~~..to think they din even know who is she/he...haha:P..
n then te ge yao~~~...haha~~ think it's better den last yr~~~though more ppl turned up last yr..credits to JJ lahZ...but this yr seriously...standard higher..^^.. not too many songs..n well..tay bing hui not bad siaZ..he can sing leh!!!haha..his voice pretty cool~~~..n diya~~yah yah..as usually...managed to grab all the audience's attention..diya wat. zwxh chu lai de ren lehZ..wat do you expect?!?! heeZ^^V...cheryl's singing is as good...the poison apple was the da ying jia~~~...lyrics written by malai..haha..pls lors..he won the 最佳作词奖like super NOT expected lehZ~~~heehee..:D:D...but true lah..as wat yuehan said..the whole qi fen dropped after the judges left..feel quite sorry for tay bing hui.. i mean..he actually took the trouble to come down..though i'm not his fan but i cheered~~basic respect for guests wat...haiZ..really is not 有一点冷场。hope he din mind...:s...
as usual..yuehan n his 小儿多动症。。(-__-lll)haha..he just cant keep still!!!haha...:)..yuehan..xiya thinks u are just super amazing los~~~haha...不要太担心:)..the juniors are oso learning..;)..hope u like the present we gave you~..
haha..realized i've written a lot of 流水账s...